True Facts On Hypertension

Hypertension is a problem that is affected by mental and physical problems and hence the methods of resolving this problem also need to implement both methods. It has been seen that there are various true facts about hypertension that are not aware to most people and thus they are not able to get rid of this disease. The causes of hypertension can be many and this has also become an increasing problem with younger age groups also because of stress and fatigue suffered due to pressure of work.

The other major cause of hypertension is also the lack of healthy diets and regular exercises which combats this problem. Studies and researches have revealed that in earlier times hypertension was usually associated with the middle age groups and one of the main reasons for the same was due to over excitement or even stress at very high levels. Hypertension is a big problem itself but it also brings other related problems and it is best to regulate your lifestyle so that you can avoid the same.

One of the most vital facts to remember is that hypertension may not be a physiological problem and it can also be caused due to various kinds of mental problems that disturb the mind. In medical terms, Hypertension is quoted as a medical problem or condition in which the arterial blood pressure is consistently above the normal range. When measuring the blood pressure of a person the reading always consists of two numbers and these are the numbers on the top and the numbers at the bottom.

When you check the reading for hypertension the number at the top represents systolic pressure and this pressure is what the heart generates when pumping blood out through the arteries. The other number at the bottom represents diastolic pressure and this is the pressure in the arteries and measured when the heart is at rest or in between beats. Hypertension can be associated with the individual when the reading of the blood pressure machines are above the 140 /90 ranges and this problem can lead to various kinds of other disorders.

Hypertension is the cause of various kinds of disorders and like problems of the kidney, heart disease, stroke and vascular disease along with a very high risk of suffering heart attacks and strokes. As a result of hypertension the body is also in a state of strain, which is felt the most on the heart due the increased need for oxygen and to fight hypertension you need to understand the various causes of the same. There are many causes of hypertension and these are hereditary or genetic tendencies, stress, smoking, environmental factors unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise also.

Apart from these other factors that affect blood pressure and these include high salt content in the body, hormone levels and obesity and also increase in volume of water in the body. To counteract hypertension medical, physical and mental solutions are required and this combination is the fastest and the best way of curing hypertension, along with consuming a healthy and low carbs and fat diet.