Causes Of Secondary Hypertension

Hypertension is generally common term for a person with high blood pressure. These hypertensions are categorized into primary as well as secondary. The difference is only the cause. When the incidence of hypertension is without a medical reason known to anyone then it is diagnosed as primary while a medical condition leading to hyper tension is considered as a secondary hypertension.

Secondary hypertension may differ from the usual type of high blood pressure and is often referred to as a simple high blood pressure. Essential hypertension which can also be called primary hypertension has no cause which is either clear or known. This is guessed by many experts that it may be like to genetics, a poor diet as well as lack of exercise and obesity.

Secondary hypertension may be caused by certain conditions that may affect a person's kidneys, arteries, heart or even the endocrine system. It may occur when women are pregnant as well. It generally appears suddenly but if proper treatment is taken then it can often be controlled. It controls both the underlying condition and the high blood pressure as well which in turn reduces the risk of certain serious complications including heart disease, kidney failure as well as a stroke.

As per the American Heart Association, 5%-10% of all hypertensions are mostly secondary which means that the patient has an underlying condition that would lead to a high blood pressure. In a case like this treatment for such an underlying condition may be the key to controlling a high blood pressure. Restoring the blood pressure back to normal is important because if one condition can lead to hypertension then it can lead to several complications such as a stroke and kidney failure.

Some of the common causes of secondary hypertensions could be a kidney a disorder which leads o a failure of the kidneys. This further leads to excessive amounts of sodium and water being retained in the body thus leading to hypertension. When there is a high blood pressure the arteries narrow down carrying the blood to the kidneys thus making it difficult to reach these organs. This will lead to a particular type of hypertension which is called renovascular hypertension. This is treated with surgery in most cases.

Adrenal tumors are a cause of secondary hypertension which are pheochromocytoma, primary aldosteronism and Cushing's syndrome. The last two mentioned would require a complicated treatment, which would unfortunately not be as effective in lowering the blood pressure while removing the pheochromocytoma may have a better chance of treating the hypertension.

There are certain hormonal imbalances which may also be caused due to secondary hypertension such as hyperthyroidism as well as hypothyroidism or in other terms the overproduction of the thyroid hormone.

A sleeping disorder commonly known as sleep apnea may also cause or lead to hypertension. A condition like this is characterized by periodic stops in the breathing of a person during his/her sleep. A good thing is that this can be treated effectively with a particular device which keeps the airway open while sleeping thus reducing blood pressure in a great amount.