Types Of Acne - Types Of Acne Including Symptoms And Diagnosis Of The Correct Subtype

There are many different types of acne that people may never even hear off and of course the popular types of acne are Acne vulgaris, and Acne rosacea. Other types of acne can be more serious than others and depending on the skin type it could be something that is not that common. Some acne conditions are caused by reactions to make-up, while others are just washing the face or body constantly and would cause a different type of breakout. These are some types of acne.

Acne Vulgaris is the most common form of acne and generally adolescents to young adult suffer from this condition. Acne Vulgaris are actually the whiteheads and blackheads. Acne Rosacea is the second most common type of acne among adults and is a chronic disorder affecting facial skin of the cheeks, forehead, chin, and nose that may include solid raised lesions, pimples, dilated blood vessels and redness.

Acne Mechanica is a condition which is caused by physical trauma such as tight clothes, rubbing, underneath helmets and chinstraps worn by athletes. Constant heavy sweat and heat can contribute to this. This condition can be prevented by wearing clean clothes that is made of cotton or a material that keeps moisture off of the skin. For professional athletes, wash after exercising which will reduce the chance of this happening.

Acne Fulminans is another type of acne condition which is an acute, but severe type of acne that is accompanies by joint pain and/or fever. This condition is triggered by high levels of testosterone which is by people who legally or illegally have taken muscle enhancing drugs. Acne Detergens is a type of acne which is caused by sufferers who are compulsive face washers. This type of disordered behavior can lead to acne mechanica. Pomade Acne is the type of acne occurs normally in African-American people who use pomades to eliminate the curl in the hair. The pomade gradually gets transferred from the hair to the hands to the face. This condition blocks the skin's oil glands and causes breakouts or acne like lesions.

Cystic Acne is a severe type of acne by which the follicle wall ruptures due to the sebum; this causes an inflamed reaction that may cause scarring. In the adult acne cases teenagers and kids are haunted by pimples and blemishes. Not so often this condition can creep up into adulthood, even with people that did not have a problem in their younger days. It is truly a mystery why these types of skin blemishes occur in adults and the main cause for this is related to hormones. Infant acne is another type of condition by which newborn babies can fall victim and is not that unusually rare. The hormones in this cases cause the sebaceous glands to overproduce oil and cause the glands to become blocked. A little skin inflammation and some whiteheads would be visible and will fade away within three to four months.

The best way to get rid of acne problems is to wash the hands and face regularly with a gentle cleanser. Also to give up the habit of touching parts of the skin that is acne prone and the last tip is to drink water constantly; about eight glasses a day.