Laser Treatments For Acne Scars

Acne problem can be devastating at any age, but far worse than the condition itself is the scarring left behind. While the acne and infections will eventually go away and can be treated, many young people are left with the reminders on their faces in the form of unpleasant scars and they don't have to live with them forever. With laser skin therapy, acne scars are treatable. This therapeutic process is also referred to as laser skin resurfacing and it can make all the difference in a person suffering from acne or another skin issue.

The advancements in laser therapeutic technology have made it possible to use this treatment to resurface the skin and not only remove acne scars, but also to treat the active cases. After a laser skin therapy, acne is greatly reduced and may even be eliminated after several procedures. When the laser therapy is focused on areas of the skin, it burns away the top layer and penetrates the skin to stimulate cell growth. This has the great visible effect of producing an entirely new layer of skin, fresh and unscathed. Since this is a rather delicate therapeutic procedure, it's important that only a trained professional perform it.

This therapeutic technique works very well on fair skinned people, but requires a little more finesse on those with darker skin, since the laser could cause loss of pigmentation or color. It can also be used on a variety of scars caused by acne and infections. These might include irregular rough skin, pitting or even raised areas of scar tissue, depending on how the infection was treated. Before the laser treatment, people will be briefed on what is going to happen. The eyes will need to be properly protected, so the spa professional will cover them. This just actually ensures that there will be no accidental exposure, though the laser will not be used near the eyes. The therapeutic procedure can be slightly painful, so often a topical anesthetic is applied to help with that. Any type of discomfort after the treatment can be relieved with Tylenol.

Depending on the type of laser treatment used, people may have some recovery time and require multiple sessions. The least invasive type of laser treatment, Fraxel, is virtually painless, non-invasive and requires several treatments in order to achieve good results. For this situation some of the people prefer the stronger CO2 laser. Resurfacing the entire facial skin can take up to 2 hours, but most people only need a partial treatment for specific areas which takes far less time. If people opt for the strongest and most invasive treatments, they could end up with a few weeks of recovery ahead of them. At the end of it however, people have smooth, much improved skin.

While laser therapeutic treatment is a great way to help acne and remove the scars, there are plenty of other uses. It is been a common way to get rid of fine skin wrinkles and liver spots in celebrities for several years and now the public has access to this, as well. As an anti-aging therapeutic treatment, lasers are quite successful.