Mens Health Plan

Health and fitness are among the major concerns of today's men. Earlier, men had to work hard to acquire anything. There were no gadgets to make life easy. Nowadays, everything is just a phone call away. An easy and sedentary life is taking a toll on our health as there is no physical exercise. Instant foods do not provide the nutrition that the body needs. Regular exercise and proper nutrition is absolutely vital for the well-being of the body. Good health is what everybody wants and it is not tough to achieve. It just needs a dedicated effort on our part.

The foundation of healthy living starts from the time when one is in the mother's womb. The fetus derives proper nutrition from the mother. Nutritive foods are needed for the perfect functioning of physical, mental, chemical, metabolic and hormonal activities. They also help in preventing diseases as well. Fruits and vegetables are the providers of proper nutrition. Simple exercises can go a long way in keeping the body fit and healthy. Regular meditation and yoga help to relive the mind of tension and stress leading to a calmer and healthy body.

Some simple food tips can help control or reduce diseases like cholesterol, diabetes and blood pressure. Adding more vegetables and fruits in one's diet chart, drinking 12-16 glass of water daily, avoiding excess eating of fried things, consuming meat with less fat, avoiding excess sugar in tea and coffee and slicing vegetables into big pieces to prevent loss of vitamins are some of the vital tips. Eat dairy products like cheese and cream in low fat versions. Avoid fried foods and burgers. Eat limited amounts of mayonnaise, nuts, butter and sauces.

It is not necessary always to devote an hour in the gym or do kickboxing. One should set a challenge of finding ways to keep the body moving and exercising. Climbing stairs, walking the dog, chasing one's kids, not using the remote, mowing the lawn and playing with a ball are some of ways to achieve that. These small movements and some stretching exercises done regularly are enough to keep the body fit. Take care to sleep properly. Lack of sleep leads to various health hazards.

Quitting smoking is vital to attain a healthy body. Tobacco and nicotine can damage the important organs of the body. Stress is no less harmful. Meditation or yoga can help to soothe the nerves. Doing something that is dear to one's heart can also be a good stress buster. Every day, one should keep at least 20 minutes for relaxing. Sitting in a comfortable place, one can breathe in and out slowly. This goes a long way in reducing blood pressure and stress.

Protecting oneself from pollution is essential for leading a healthy life. One should exercise outside when the smog is low. Lots of greenery around one's house helps to purify the air. Avoid drinking to protect yourself from cancer and liver or kidney diseases. Drink huge amounts of water instead. The fluid in our body keeps all the systems going. Dehydration leads to reduced metabolism and ill-health. Keeping a positive outlook at every point of life can also aid healthy living.