Famous People With Learning Disabilities

There are so many famous people who have been suffering from different kinds of learning disabilities like dyslexia and other related problems. However they were able to recover from their problems and emerge as winners, by defeating the disease through will power and love and affection of their loved ones. Basically learning disabilities have emerged as a common problem with a lot children and teenagers. The causes of these disabilities vary and there are different forms of physical and mental reasons for the same.

The learning disabilities can happen without warning but through ample knowledge and information on these kinds of disabilities, you can avert various kinds of health problems. If famous celebrities and people were able to get over these learning disabilities, then so can you. These learning disabilities can be healed to a large extent and this can happen if the right care and cautions are implemented.

Albert Einstein, Nelson Rockefeller, Galileo, Thomas Edison, Sylvester Stallone, Mozart, Gen. George Patton, Wright Brothers, Leonardo da Vinci, John F. Kennedy and Cher are some of the famous people with these kinds of disabilities. There is no doubt that learning disabilities are often a result of serious health issues. At times they can be caused due to something external as well. But there are many forms of learning disabilities, which can be prevented and hence you can protect your loved one from unnecessary hassles of health.

There are plenty of studies based on these factors through which new forms of treatments have been discovered. These are treatments that are especially focused on the right care for children. Researches and studies have shown occurrences of these disabilities in children are due to vaccines. These vaccines are blamed as the cause of autism, which is a major factor that leads to learning disabilities. Studies indicate that ultrasounds during pregnancy might also be a real problem and lead to learning disabilities.

Another cause of the same is ultra sounds and sonography that causes damage to the brain cells. Since the cells of the fetus are forming in the beginning and are in the stage of development, the slightest problem could cause failure in functioning of the certain parts of the body. Most learning disabilities are caused due to internal health problems but overcoming them requires more of therapy and psychological treatments. There are different factors which lead to learning disabilities and these also include accidents or injuries to the vital organs of the body.

Apart from this under-stimulation of the cerebellum and thalamus affects both executive and motor functions. These problems are associated with the ability to think and process information in optimal way but these learning disabilities can be treated through cognitive training, which is especially suggested for children. It has been seen that cognitive therapy and training helps the children to learn even as they are getting treated. Behavioral, occupational, physical, and speech-language therapy, followed with the appropriate diet and the right medicines can treat these learning disabilities.

You can learn a lesson or two from these celebrities and help the children suffering from these disorders to emerge successful in life.