Healing From Mistrust

Mistrust is basically a form of fear that people will be deceived, disappointed or betrayed. This fear is mainly of the ego; it requires a general perspective of separation. Trust, on the other hand, is basically faith that whatever happens, everything will be fine. This faith is basically of the spirit. This trust requires a common perspective of unity, and assumes people are all in this together. Instead of competing against each other for what they want and need, people are all actors playing their own parts in this great performance called life, and it would certainly be boring if they were all perfect saints.

The only practices that will truly help people to heal their inability to trust others are spiritual practices, for a spiritual path will lead people from ego to spirit, from fear to faith. People will learn to look beyond surface appearances and past their temporal fears about betrayal and disappointment for the deeper meaning in their experiences, and connect with people on a higher level. When people do this, they will not only grow as a person and enjoy a sense of inner peace and security, they will also draw out the best in others. People will manifest a higher level of their experience and draw a higher quality of people into their life. It sounds like people are in the process of making a shift onto a more conscious spiritual path. Most of the people experience what they are struggling with as they move from interacting with the world primarily via the third chakra (the solar plexus) to a more heart-based approach to life.

The solar plexus, in any relationships, sends the warnings to help people protect themselves, their interests and their resources. When people shift their awareness up into their hearts, they are guided to love ourselves and others, to heal, nurture, and manifest emotional fulfillment. As people are making this shift, it is very natural to want to be able to trust more, and yet not know how to change the old habits. Earth is actually a great spiritual school as it creates all sorts of fears about physical survival that one does not encounter in the non-physical. It is mainly an exercise in learning to overcome fear in order to choose the Spirit. However, all people carry a deep longing to recover the bliss of the non-physical, and they usually first seek that special feeling in earthly experiences and other people.

This actually leads some people do drugs, to drink, or pursue other "highs" through extreme sports, sex, compulsive shopping, etc. Other people may seek bliss by looking for someone perfect, someone they can always trust and count on, someone who will not fail or disappoint them as their parents did. This expedition for a perfect person naturally leads people to disappointment and cynicism. As they begin to build faith in something higher than their worldly experiences, they grow toward the thing they are truly longing for, a direct relationship with God. This in turn leads people to peace with life and people, just the way they are.