A Prayer For Healing
Often when we face a crisis or a disease or terminal illness or a bad phase we wish to cry out to God for healing! It is generally our desperation that forces us to seek a paranormal source to lighten our problems. For most, it is a model of self-sufficiency, medical technology, and ultimately a cry for God to heal us unbelievably and miraculously.
Every individual has the aptitude, through healing prayers, to express faith, the belief in truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person or thing. We can express faith in anything for instance we can express faith in the car manufacturer who installs the brakes, faith in the architect who designs our residence and faith in intangibles like solar energy, gravitational force.
Exercising our faith in the vicinity of healing may entail eccentric behavior. For most people facing pain and possible death radically changes their lives. For some, dreams are shattered, relationships broken, and misery consumes their hearts. For others, new dreams are made, relationships strengthened, and hope takes over their hearts.
In our lives we often encounter people who undergo many challenges and have experienced countless heartache. Like everyone we try hard to reach out to those people with a smile and embrace them warmly. Praying doesn't mean we pray to god only. But often a feeling a satisfaction can be reached when we help others in their times of need. Hope is like faith holding out its hand in the dark.
When we meditate or pray to that external power there is a feeling of self content and satisfaction. There is a power that engulfs us and we feel happy. This is he power that resides in a prayer. It heals not only our mind and body but it cleans our soul too. Often we feel enlightened spiritually. Yoga a very old form of exercise is often considered to be a way to cleanse the body, mind and soul.
We are all children of God, so we should remember to share our joy, hope and love. By lending a shoulder or giving a hug we feel happy too. We have only one life, but we are not alone we are in some or the other way connected by bridges. We can pray anywhere and to anyone but the prayer have to be true and genuine right from the heart. We cannot deceive god. Competition and fast paced life leaves us with little time to sit down and look back but where there is a will there is a way. Everyday before we go to sleep we can take out five minutes and thank god for the beautiful day he gave us for everything we possibly did in that one day because the day is never coming back so with appositive attitude we can make most of our present so that we can lay a better foundation for tomorrow.
One of the most powerful word we can chant is “OM". It not only makes us closer to god but also gives a feeling of happiness from within and a peace of mind that cannot be found anywhere.