Latest Drug Abuse Articles

Definition Of Drug Abuse - What Is The Definition Of Drug Abuse?

Drug abuse does not have only a single definition; it has a wide range of definitions that relate to the use of a psychoactive drug or performance enhancing drug in order to achieve a non-therapeutic or non-medical effect. These are in sharp contrast to what we call responsible drug use. Drugs often abused include alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methaqualone, and opium alkaloids. Other definitions of drug abuse can be classified into four main categories: public health definitions, mass communication and vernacular usage, medical definitions, and political and criminal justice definitions.

What Is Drug Abuse - What Is Drug Abuse?

Mental or psychological dependence can be described by the mental and emotional obsession for drugs pleasing effects. Mostly a person would crave more to recuperate the stimulation, euphoria, sense of well being, and other psychological pleasures from the drug. The psychological addiction also happens when one expands a lifestyle that would depend on the amount of drug used. The physical dependence would occur when the body regulates to the presence of a drug, so that the physical symptoms would involve discomfort and pain during the time the drug is being inhibited.

Books On Drug Abuse - Books On Drug Abuse Can Be Found In Libraries

There are various kinds of books found on drug abuse in libraries located across the world. Basically these books deal with the issues of drug and alcohol abuses, which have seen a drastic increase in cases of these kinds of health problems. Often drug abuse turns out to be fatal and any person can get addicted to various kinds of drugs. Most of the times, these drugs may range from foods to certain fluids or even other forms of medicines. It has been seen that each drug has its level of addiction and in this context addiction levels can differ largely.

Cause Of Drug Abuse - Oxycodone Rarely The Sole Cause Of Drug Abuse

The vast majority of drug abuse deaths involving oxycodone (96.7%) are related to the ingestion of most multiple drugs, not just oxycodone (3.3%), according to an analysis of over 1000 deaths published in the March issue of Journal of Analytical Toxicology. Further, in this study of deaths involving oxycodone, the specific pain medicine OxyContinÒ (oxycodone hydrochloride controlled-release) Tablets was the only drug which was found in 12 (1.3 percent) of the cases. Oxycodone is a morphine-like pain medication found in dozens of analgesics sold throughout the United States of America.

Teenage Drug Abuse - Surviving Teenage Drug Abuse

Finding out that their teenage son or daughter is suffering from drug abuse can be catastrophic for many parents. Myriad thoughts of guilt, disappointment, failure and embarrassment pass through the parents’ mind during such a time. During such moments, the parents should try and remember they are not the only ones in the world facing such a scenario. And most importantly, teen drug abuse can be overcome. A majority of teenaged children get involved in some kind of drug abuse while in school or college. In most cases, peer pressure and a misguided notion of freedom defying societal norms are the reasons behind the usage of drugs.

Drug Abuse Rehab Centers

Drug rehab centers provide help and hope to men and women and their families who are suffering from the disturbing consequences of chemical dependence and addiction. Deciding to seek recovery for our self or someone we care about may be one of the most daring and life-altering steps we could ever take. Choosing the right drug rehab is important, as this treatment will be the foundation for our recovery.

Drug Abuse Personal Stories

Drug abuse is a problem that has assumed alarming proportions all over the world in recent times. The main victims of drug abuse are today’s youths, who are losing all purposes of life on account of this problem. It has spread to all classes of society, and unless proper steps are taken by all of us to tackle this menace, more and more youths will become its victims and follow the path of self-destruction.

Drug Abuse Over The Years

Over the years, drug abuse can lead to many health problems and emotional trauma. At this point of time drug abuse has two main stages and these include before and after the consumption of drugs. After some years the addict is able to experience the impact of drug addiction and understand the differences in their health. Drug abuse has a great impact on your health and thus it is essential to understand these stages of the same. There are various kinds of approaches involved in the prevention of drug abuses.

Drug Abuse Awareness

Taking a performance enhancing drug or a psychoactive drug for some non-medical purpose comes under drug abuse. The drugs most associated with abuse are amphetamines, alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, cocaine, opium alkaloids and methaqualone. Drug abuse often leads to criminal penalty apart from psychological, social and physical harm. Abuse of drugs can make the body deficient of various nutrients and lead to many other serious problems. Finding out that somebody dear to us is suffering from some form of drug abuse can be catastrophic for us. Myriad thoughts of guilt, disappointment, failure and embarrassment pass through our mind during such a time.

Difference Between Drug Use And Drug Abuse

It can be stated that there is a very thin line between the use of drugs and the abuse of the same. But there are a lot of differences between the use of drugs and their abuse, which has a physical, psychological and financial impact on the addict. To say it simply, drug use is the condition where the drug is taken in limited quantities for trying to get rid of any disease or get relief from an ailment. But drug abuse is the situation where the person gets addicted to the drug and his or body craves for the same.

Drug Abuse Among Youth

Drug abuse has been growing at alarming rates among youths, teenagers and students. It has been seen that these days high school drug abuse is on the rise drastically and this is one of the major reasons for the youth to be targeted by the same. Thus there is a need for imposing measures through which the drug abuse in these schools can be stopped. Stopping drug abuse in schools is one of the most vital factors and the necessary measures for prevention should be taken.

Culture & Drug Abuse

Drug abuse has a big range of definitions related to taking a psychoactive drug or performance enhancing drug for a non-therapeutic or non-medical effect. All of these definitions do not imply a positive judgment of the drug use in question. Some of the drugs most often associated with this term would include alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methaqualone, and opium alkaloids.

Before And After Drug Abuse

Drug abuse has two main stages and these include before and after the consumption of drugs and their related treatments. Both of these aspects have a great impact on your health and thus it is essential to understand these stages. One can find various kinds of approaches involved in the prevention of drug abuses. This for stopping the consumption of these drugs all together and through these methods the health of millions of people can be saved and nurtured. There has bee dramatic increase in drug use has happened in recent times.

Drug Abuse And Vitamin Deficiency

Drug abuse is related to taking of a performance enhancing drug or a psychoactive drug for a non-medical purpose. The drugs most associated with abuse are amphetamines, alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, cocaine, opium alkaloids and methaqualone. Drug abuse often leads to criminal penalty apart from psychological, social and physical harm. Abuse of drugs can make the body vitamin deficient. Vitamins are certain organic substances that are the catalysts in the body’s metabolic processes. Neither calories nor energy are directly supplied to the body by vitamins. Their working is much more subtle in the sense that they ensure smooth running of metabolism.

Drug Abuse And Sanity

The last thirty years have been marked by inquiry and report after report since illicit drug use has emerged as a modern social phenomenon. All these report have come out with the same decision and that is our currency policy of prohibiting some drugs which would not work and to be to the point are those that it cannot work. The Australians have considered another proposal which would have the potential to start down a path that may as well be able circumvent the considerable costs. These are those costs that the current drug polices which has been quite a burden.

Drug Abuse On The Respiratory System

Like most prescription drugs, "recreational" drugs come with potentially dangerous effects that can have grave and long-term effects on our health. Drug abuse can direct to a range of respiratory problems. Smoking cigarettes, for instance, has been shown to cause bronchitis, emphysema and lung cancer. Marijuana smoke also leads to respiratory problems. The use of some drugs may also cause breathing to slow down, block air from entering the lungs or aggravate asthma indication.

Alcohol And Drug Abuse In Vietnam

Drugs in Vietnam were limited to just opium at one point of time. The country had a long history of opium cultivation, mainly among the ethnic minorities. It was not just used as medicine but also for alleviating hunger. In the early 19th century opium from Britain started entering China and then Vietnam. Though banned in 1820, it continued to be smuggled from China. The pattern of drug abuse changed during the Vietnam War when heroin injections and smoking of opium became a serious problem. Interestingly, those who took drugs did not drink alcohol and those who drank did not indulge in drugs.

Dangers Of Drug Abuse

There are majorly two types of dangers in regards to the drugs. They are the risk of getting addicted to it and the other is the adverse health and behavioral consequences. They both have their own differences from one another. There is always an illegal drug which always has a serious adverse consequence. Drug addiction can develop through either mental or physical processes.

Causes Of Drug Abuse Among Youth

The rise of cases of drug abuse amongst youth has become a cause of worry, and most governments and authorities are looking for measures for preventing the same. Prevention of drug abuse is only possible through awareness about the harmful effects of the same and also by trying to reduce the supply and demand chain. These days a person can get addicted to various kinds of drugs, foods and even certain fluids. However the addiction to any kind of drug is different from the addictions to food and alcohol.

Drug Abuse And Athletes - Drug Abuse And Athletes Is A Mixture Bound For Disaster

The factors that lead to drug abuse and it have been seen that the desire to achieve more than your physical potential is one of them. This mainly refers to the drug abuse in athletes and sportspersons who want to attain muscle gain or improve their performance through these drugs. But drug abuse for athletes can be a problem as this would lead to an end of their professional careers, if they are detected with certain drugs in their blood.

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