Latest Diseases Multiple Sclerosis Articles

Incidence Of Multiple Sclerosis In Japan

Multiple Sclerosis is predominately a disease of the temperate latitudes and also of the western hemisphere. Principally, it is a disease prevailing in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. Although Multiple Sclerosis is found in Japan, China and some other temperate, eastern countries, it is very much rare in these places than it is in the West.

How Fast Can Multiple Sclerosis Progress

Multiple sclerosis or MS is a condition in which the immune system attacks the central nervous system. The disease occurs usually in young adults and is more common in women. It is common in latitudes farther from the equator. The disease sets through inflammation and loss of the myelin sheaths that insulate the central nervous system nerve fibers. Gradually, there is loss of nerve fiber and scarring. The location of the inflammation in the nervous system varies from patient to patient. Till date, there is no permanent cure or known cause for MS. Treatment has always proved to be partially effective.

Early Onset Symptoms Of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease belonging to the central nervous system (CNS) which is the nerves that comprise the brain and spinal cord. It has two main features which are destruction of myelin and the destruction of axons.

Final Stages Of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis is a neuro-muscular disease which simply means that the nerves and muscles are both equally involved. Multiple Sclerosis causes nerve cells in the Central Nervous System to degenerate slowly and gradually. This causes the voluntary muscles that they control to stop responding. The nerves in the brain and spinal cord are completely covered by a myelin sheath. This cover would act like the cover on electrical wires so as to keep the energy passing along the nerves.

Blood Tests For Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis is no longer any new disease and it has become well-known by now. What’s more, this disease is expanding to newer regions of the globe with the passing of each day. What is multiple sclerosis then? Well, multiple sclerosis can be defined as the disease of nervous system where it worsens over a period of time together with loss of feeling and loss of control of movement and speech. What does this indicate? This brings to the fore the concept that multiple sclerosis makes an onslaught on the concerned person’s central nervous system that is constituted of an assortment of nerves and nerve fibers.

Famous People With Multiple Sclerosis

There are a lot of famous people who are suffering from multiple sclerosis and this is one of the diseases, which can strike certain people more. It has been seen that there are various forms of natural cures are available for even the worst diseases like multiple sclerosis. These cures benefit the patients largely and there are various researches going on about the genetic side of Multiple Sclerosis. Such studies have shown that there are certain ethnic groups that do and do not get Multiple Sclerosis.

Antibiotics Contraindicated In Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis or MS is a condition in which the immune system attacks the central nervous system. The disease occurs usually in young adults and is more common in women. It is common in latitudes farther from the equator. The disease sets through inflammation and loss of the myelin sheaths that insulate the central nervous system nerve fibres. Gradually, there is loss of nerve fibre and scarring. The location of the inflammation in the nervous system varies from patient to patient. Till date, there is no permanent cure or known causes for MS. Treatments have always proved to be partially effective.

Definition Multiple Sclerosis

When the immune system attacks the central nervous system it is an autoimmune situation referred to as multiple sclerosis. This leads to demyelization. This disease is generally found among young adults and most common in females. The range of the prevalence is between 2 and 150 per 100,000. Multiple sclerosis was first explained by Jean Martin Charcot in 1868. Multiple sclerosis affects the ability of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord which are supposed to coordinate with each other. These nerve cells would communicate by sending across electrical signals called action potentials down the long fibers called axons. These are wrapped in an insulating substance known as myelin.

A Natural Cure For Multiple Sclerosis

Natural cures are available for even the worst diseases like multiple sclerosis and it has been seen that these cures benefit the patients largely. These days there are various researches going on about the genetic side of Multiple Sclerosis. It has been seen that certain ethnic groups do and do not get Multiple Sclerosis. Studies and researches related to these factors have been done and they have proven that the groups like Eskimos, Gypsies and African Bantu never develop Multiple Sclerosis.

Multiple Sclerosis And Holistic Cures

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, debilitating disease that affects the central nervous system of the patient. When the myelin, which is responsible for protecting the neurons in the spinal cord and brain, weakens then the nerves lose their ability to carry impulses from the brain to elsewhere and multiple sclerosis sets in. Familiar symptoms of multiple sclerosis include painful muscle cramps, numbness in the arms, face and legs, trouble balancing, blurred vision and personality changes. As of now, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis but it may be possible to treat the symptoms.

Itchy Skin And Multiple Sclerosis

Pruritus refers to an unpleasant feeling that causes the need to scratch, commonly called itching. Itching may be localized to a certain area of the body, or can be all over, or generalized. When there is a rash that goes along with the pruritus, the cause is usually easily resolute and treated. However, the most difficult cases of pruritus are those without an associated rash. Pruritus and pain are closely related sensations, since the same nerves transmit both signals to the brain. When the area of skin is scratched, that same area may become even itchier, leading to more scratching. This is called the itch-scratch cycle.

Multiple Sclerosis Medication

Despite the fact that there is no certain cure for the disease multiple sclerosis at present, existing medicinal treatments are effective in slowing down the progression rate of the disease and preventing the development of further complications. Considering the fact that most of the effects of the disease multiple sclerosis to the patients are irreversible, it is imperative to timely diagnose the disease and begin the administration of the appropriate course of medications. With the right medicinal treatment and with the aid of supportive therapies like physiotherapy and kinetotherapy, patients with multiple sclerosis can regain control of their bodies and live normal, active lives.

Multiple Sclerosis And Pain Management

Multiple Sclerosis is a very painful physical disorder that worsens progressively and affects the sensory and motor neurons. The remission cycles that occur worsen the painful condition and increase the level of pain felt by the patient. What causes this disordered condition is still unclear however many experts are of the opinion that the condition is a result of a viral infection which plays a vital role in the development of the said condition of multiple sclerosis.

Initial Symptoms Of Multiple Sclerosis

The principal dilemma in current management of the disease multiple sclerosis is that while early diagnosis enables damage-sparing treatment to begin, diagnosing multiple sclerosis too early increases the likelihood of treating people who do not actually have the disease. Current medicines for disease-modification are all given by injection and cost about $14,000 per year. Apart from being difficult and expensive, there is some risk of harm from them which, if the patient does not actually have multiple sclerosis disease, occurs without any offsetting benefit.

Multiple Sclerosis And Connective Tissue Disease

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system damages the central nervous system, leading to demyelination, i.e., destruction of the myelin sheaths that perform the task of isolating neurons in the brain and spinal chord. Multiple sclerosis usually targets young adults, women in particular. Autoimmune connective tissue diseases include various organ-specific and systemic conditions such as lupus and Sjogren's that affect structural tissue. There are over 200 different diseases in this family. Connective tissue diseases are mainly caused by gene mutations that hit tissue production and several types of specific and overlapping autoimmune diseases.

Elevated Red Blood Cells And Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS), sometimes also called disseminated sclerosis or encephalomyelitis disseminata is an autoimmune condition where the immune system destroys the central nervous system, causing demyelination. Multiple sclerosis usually occurs among young adults, and is common prevalent among women. Its prevalence rate has been found to lie between 2 and 150 per 100,000. Multiple sclerosis in its earliest form was first described by Jean-Martin Charcot.

Causes Of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS), also referred to as disseminated sclerosis or encephalomyelitis disseminata is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system damages the central nervous system, resulting in demyelination. The disease targets usually young adults, and is found to be more common in women. Its prevalence rate ranges between 2 and 150 per 100,000. It was in 1868 that the disease was first described by Jean-Martin Charcot.

Informative Outline On Multiple Sclerosis

An unpredictable severe disorder of the central nervous system known as multiple sclerosis, which can range from relatively benign to somewhat disabling to devastating, as contact between the brain and other parts of the body is disrupted. Most of the health experts believe multiple sclerosis disease to be an autoimmune disease, one in which the body, through its immune system, launches a defensive attack against its own tissues. In case of the disease multiple sclerosis, it is the nerve-insulating myelin sheath that comes under assault. Such neurological attacks may be linked to an unknown environmental trigger, perhaps a virus.

Holistic Care And Multiple Sclerosis

With the natural holistic health care approach there are no serious side effects to harm the body, as are common with standard medical drug treatments, which may only help temporarily with health symptoms. The holistic psychic or naturopathic health care evaluation and treatments reach deeper to the root cause of the problem resulting in a true change in the health symptoms. The serious chronic or acute health condition can improve if alternative health care lifestyle changes are made.

Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis disease is an inflammatory neurological disorder which generates a wide symptomatic spectrum. Multiple sclerosis disease primarily affects the central nervous system, interfering with the normal activity of the nervous cells. Multiple sclerosis disease involves deterioration of the neurons’ myelin covering, a very important substance that facilitates the transmission of nervous signals between nervous cells. If myelin sheath is affected, the connections between neurons are compromised and the body fails to respond promptly to external stimuli.

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