Latest Diabetes Articles
The increasing number of kids suffering from diabetes is currently a dangerous trend all over the world. Although most kids are affected by type 1 diabetes, there are more reasons to worry as kids with type 2 diabetes are also increasing in numbers. As diabetes leads to many serious diseases in the future, parents of kids having diabetes must have all the necessary information about diabetes care. However, the exact cause of diabetes in both kids and adults are yet to be ascertained.
Due to a combination of environmental and hereditary causes, a metabolism disorder can occur in our body which is termed diabetes. Abnormally high levels of sugar are found in the blood during this disease. The interaction of multiple chemicals and hormones including insulin found in the pancreas control the level of blood sugar in our body. Due to certain defects in the action of the insulin hormone or problems in insulin secretion, which controls the blood sugar level in our body, diabetes occurs. When a diabetic patient produces huge quantities of urine, the disorder is termed diabetes insipidus or DI. Intense thirst accompanies this urine output.
In the modern times diabetes has become a rapidly growing problem and hence most doctors are doing researches and getting training at centers for understanding it. The affective treatment of diabetes is vital and hence studies and researches related to the same provide a new insight to these factors. The study of diabetes is known as diabetology. It has been proven that diabetes can affect children as well as adults. Understanding of the disease and initial warning signs are the key factors to identify the symptoms of diabetes.
Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes which would generally affect pregnant women. It is believed that the hormones produced during pregnancy reduce the women’s receptivity to insulin, leading to a high blood sugar level. Gestational diabetes affects approximately 4% of all pregnant women. It is estimated that about 135,000 cases of gestational diabetes arise in the United States of America each year.
When the body does not produce or properly use insulin, the disease diabetes sets in. The hormone insulin is needed to convert starch, sugar and other food into energy that is needed for our daily life. Both genetic and environmental factors like obesity and lack of exercise can cause diabetes. A diabetes meal plan helps us in choosing the right kind and proper quantity of food that can be had by a diabetic patient. Such a meal plan will help in the improvement of blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It would also help to keep the weight in check.
Type 2 diabetes or mellitus is a common form of diabetes that affects health of a person and leads to various kinds of problems for the body. This Type 2 diabetes is a chronic and life long disease, which often leads to the body's insulin not working effectively. This insulin is defined as a hormone that is released by the pancreas and happens in response to increased levels of blood sugar or glucose, found in the blood. There are various causes for the occurrence of these diseases and there are many risk factors involved in the same.
Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is a metabolism disorder occurring due to a combination of environmental and hereditary causes. The result of it is abnormally high levels of sugar in the blood. The blood sugar levels in our bodies are controlled by an interaction of multiple chemicals and hormones, including the insulin hormone found in the pancreas. Due to some defect in the action of insulin or problem in insulin secretion the blood sugar level increases. Hyperglycemia occurs which leads to the acute signs of diabetes like excessive urine production, thirst and increased fluid intake, blurred vision, unexplained weight loss, lethargy and changes in energy metabolism.
Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is a metabolism disorder occurring due to a combination of environmental and hereditary causes. The result of it is abnormally high levels of sugar in the blood. The blood sugar levels in our bodies are controlled by an interaction of multiple chemicals and hormones, including the insulin hormone found in the pancreas. Due to some defect in the action of insulin or problem in insulin secretion, the blood sugar level increases. Hyperglycemia occurs which leads to the acute signs of diabetes like excessive urine production, thirst and increased fluid intake, blurred vision, unexplained weight loss, lethargy and changes in energy metabolism.
Diet plays an important role in controlling the diabetes. The diabetic diet may be used alone or can be grouped with insulin doses or with oral hypoglycemic drugs. The main motive of a diabetic diet is to maintain ideal body weight, by providing sufficient nutrition along with normal blood sugar levels in blood. The diet plan for a diabetic is based on the person’s height, weight, age, sex, physical activity and nature of diabetes. When planning diet, the dietician has to keep in mind the complications such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.
Alcohol and diabetes are related to each other, because the consumption of alcohol has been known to make diabetes worse. It has been seen that there are various harmful effects of alcohol on the patients suffering from diabetes, and the causes related to the same include internal damage and chemical reactions in the body. Basically diabetes is actually a group of diseases, which has a major problem with insulin. This could be the fact that your body doesn’t make any insulin or it is not using the insulin the right way.
There are various kinds of treatment centers available for diabetes today and the Abbott center is one of them. This center ensures that all kinds of health care and treatment are provided to the patient suffering from the disease as diabetes has become a rapidly growing problem. Diabetes is a very common problem, which can affect children as well as adults and it has been seen that some of the initial warning signs are the key factors to understand the symptoms of diabetes.
In the modern times diabetes has become a rapidly growing problem and it should be remembered that diabetes can affect children as well as adults. Some of the initial warning signs are the key factors to understand the symptoms of diabetes. These warnings are only visible after reaching the middle ages or at later stages but now the symptoms are easily visible in people in the mid twenties also. Along with this, awareness about diabetes, its symptoms and the various methods of curing them are essential.
A nutritionally balanced diet is always necessary to maintain a healthy mother and successful pregnancy. The foods we choose become the nutrient building blocks for the growth of the fetus. For a woman who is suffering from gestational diabetes, proper diet alone often keeps blood sugar levels in the normal range and is usually the first step to follow before resorting to insulin injections. Careful attention should be paid to the total calories eaten daily, to avoid foods which increase blood sugar levels, and to emphasize the use of foods which help the body preserve a normal blood sugar.
If we have been diagnosed with diabetes, our doctor will mention that we should pay careful attention to nutrition and diet as part of our treatment program. Nutrition experts say that there is no one diet for diabetes, but people with diabetes should follow the nutrition guidelines in the Food Pyramid, while paying special attention to carbohydrate intake.
Diabetes in dogs approximately requires insulin administration. Cats can sometimes be maintained for long periods of time using dietary alterations and medical treatment, although it may be preferable to start treatment for diabetes with insulin in all cats and then to try to maintain the cat later without insulin if it looks like that might be possible.
Diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not make enough or any of the hormone insulin, or when the insulin produced does not work efficiently. In diabetes, this causes the level of glucose in the blood to be too high. In Type 1 diabetes the cells in the pancreas that make insulin are shattered, causing a severe lack of insulin. This is thought to be the result of the body attacking and destroying its own cells in the pancreas - known as an autoimmune reaction.
Pre diabetes is an intermediate stage that lies between normal and diabetes stage. When we say someone is in a stage of pre diabetes, we mean that the concerned person’s blood sugar level is higher than normal, but not that high to fall into the category of type 2 diabetes. American Diabetic Association (ADA) defines it as a condition prior to the development of diabetes, but with an increased risk of having the disease sooner than later. Also called borderline diabetes, touch of diabetes etc., the name pre diabetes was chosen by the US health department and ADA in 2002.
Diabetes occurs when the manner in which your body uses food for energy is adversely affected. Under normal circumstances, the sugar you consume is digested and broken down to glucose. The glucose then moves around in your blood waiting to get into cells so that it can be utilized as fuel. A hormone called insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, helps the entry of glucose into cells. A healthy pancreas rightly adjusts the amount of insulin according to the level of glucose. When this process collapses, blood sugar levels become too high and diabetes sets in.
For every diabetic patient monitoring their own blood glucose or blood sugar levels can be vitally important in controlling their diabetes. The current treatments in increased blood sugar level or diabetes whether medicines or diet focus on trying to keep blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible. There are two main ways to monitor the glucose levels of the body, testing for "blood" glucose and testing for "urine" glucose. Both glucose testing methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Which method people choose depends on what their doctor advises them to go for.
It is extremely important to recognize the important role diet plays in controlling diabetes. As we all know, apart from being a disease itself, diabetes also leads to other serious ailments, some of them even life-threatening in nature. In order to control diabetes, it is wise to have a suitable diet plan to be used either alone or with insulin or oral hypoglycemic medicines. A suitable diabetes diet plan aims to maintain a diabetic’s body weight within an ideal level and at the same time provides sufficient nutrition and normal blood sugar levels in his/her blood.
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